Landform goes after the most important learning situation that is happening in a young person’s life. Our Formalized Rites of Passage instruction supports the Severance, Threshold, and Integration phases of the Transition and Renewal process.
Mentorships are personalized, with Ecopsychology driven instruction, and social and emotional learning as required elements. LandformEd requires all participants to develop their own meditation practice. Council Practice and Transpersonal Service Learning instruction are also required program elements. LandformEd’s Time in Nature meditation assignments are a basic part of every phase of this work.
Methods and instruction invest in the idea that Nature shows us us. The path to individuation can get tricky when social learning doesn’t come easy. Landform looks to uncover deep social emotional patterns in a student. These patterns are sometimes subtle, sometimes they are not. 🙂 Underneath frustration and confusion, a student’s personal learning process unfolds. Their story usually has patterns and emotional factors, which point to and open to some real pain and dis-ease. In this way, the muck becomes the richness, the unseen goodness of the learning compost. With care and attention these challenges become the food for the new. Its fun to study how nature’s archetypical forces mirror our psychological forces. The natural world becomes a helpful model for support and learning. Landform’s Ecopsychology driven instruction explores the Changes, Transitions and Renewals happening within our landscape, within our community psychology, and within ourselves.